アトリエ青 Atelier Blue











A1.   私は石田泰也と言います。1964年京都で生まれました。現在52歳です。子供の頃から将来の夢は画家になる事でした。美術大学では油彩画を学びました。また舞台演劇やインディペンデント映画を作るなど、色々な表現を楽しみました。卒業後は映画館で映写技師やマネージャーとして働き、収入を得ながら趣味で油彩画や水彩画を描いていました。2013年に映画館の仕事を全て辞めてプロの画家としてデビューしました。現在はアトリエ青を主宰し、水彩画教室やボランティアでこどもアトリエ青を運営しながら画家として活動しています。



A2.  2014年にセルビアの芸術交流協会Siroka Stazaの公募展に入選した事がきっかけで、2015年11月にSiroka Stazaの主催で個展を開催しました。その際にセルビア渡航し、一週間ベオグラードに滞在しました。ゼムンや田舎にも行きました。



A3.    セルビア以外の国では若い時にタイ・ネパール・インドに旅行した事があります。日本に比較してセルビアの印象は中世の建築物と現代生活が調和しており、非常に心が落ち着きました。私が描く風景画の世界に入り込んだ心地良さを感じました。セルビア人の気質も、とても誠実で温かく、素直なところに好感を持ちました。



A4.   セルビアから受けたインスピレーションで最も大きなものは、いい意味で全体が暗い事です。日本では、車のライトや店が明る過ぎます。また過剰で下品な色彩に疲れます。



A5.   セルビア人が私に残した印象は質問3でも少し述べましたが、物静かで謹み深くても、内面は情熱的で思いやり深い事です。日本人にも物静かなイメージが多いですが、実は内面は高慢で空虚な人が多いのです。私にとってはセルビア人の方が親しみやすく、心が通いやすいと感じました。セルビアのギャラリーはいくつか拝見しました。またベオグラード芸術大学を訪問し、学生と対話する事も出来ました。



A6.   セルビア滞在中は絵を描きませんでした。帰国してから描いた水彩画を数枚送ります。面白い話は沢山あります。ベオグラード国連小学校の四年生クラスで3時間のワークショップをしました。21名の生徒ととても楽しいひと時を過ごしました。子供達のイマジネーションを開花させたり、交流した事は私にとって生涯忘れる事が出来ない素晴らしい時間でした。その時の様子のムービーをYOUTUBEでご覧になれます。
http://video.search.yahoo.co.jp/search?ei=UTF-8&fr=yjapp_tab_wv&p=YASUNARI'S ART&oq=&aq=-1&haq=0







A7.   セルビアでの展示会リスト
2015年11月 石田泰也個展 Landscape in my mind ギャラリーBOGIC
2016年5月 アートグループOAK展示会 in ベオグラード
2016年6月 メモリアル MBDj7 watercolor 25x25



Q8.  最後にセルビアをまた訪れる予定はありますか?

A8.  セルビアには2017年の秋に2回目の渡航予定です。その際は一ヶ月滞在したいと思います。水彩画を描いたり、ガラスランプを作ります。また小学校を再度訪問してワークショップを開催する予定です。




1. My name is Yasunari Ishida. I was born in 1964, in Kyoto – I am 52 years now. Ever since I was a child, I have dreamt about becoming an artist. I studied oil painting at the University of Arts in Kyoto, but I have tried many other forms of expression, such as theatre and creating indie films. After graduating university, I worked in a cinema as a film technician and, later, a manager, earning daily income as I worked on oil paintings and watercolours as a hobby. In 2014, I decided to stop working at the cinema entirely and debuted as a pro artist.

2. In 2014, I took part in an exhibition by the Serbian and international Association of artists and art devotees “Široka staza“, and that was the impetus for me to do a solo exhibition as well, in the November of 2015, under the sponsorship and organisation of Široka staza. That is when I first came to Serbia and spent a week in Belgrade (I was in Zemun and the countryside as well).

3. If I were to talk about my other travels, I travelled to Thailand, Nepal and India when I was young. Comparing Japan and Serbia, I found that the harmony of medieval architecture and present-day life in Belgrade was superb, and I could very easily relax. I felt as if I had entered my world of landscapes in painting. The nature of Serbs is, also, very warm and honest – I especially liked their honesty and frankness.

4.The biggest inspiration I got from Serbia was the fact that it is much darker than Japan, in a good sense. In Japan, the stores and car lights are too bright, excessive, and in vulgar colours. In contrast to that, the main theme of my landscapes is the warmth inside the human soul, and the heart that can feel that warmth.

5.I spoke about the impressions Serbs have left on me a bit in the third question as well. Even if they are silent and shy on the outside, on the inside they are a passionate and kind people. The Japanese are also thought to be silent and shy, but I met a lot of them who are, on the inside, full of pride, or even completely empty.
In regards to myself, I find Serbs easier to talk to and get closer to. And, I did go to a couple of galleries. I also had the opportunity to visit the Belgrade University of Arts and talk to several students.

6.I did not paint during my stay, but I'll attach a couple of watercolours I've drawn since I came back to Japan. There are lots of interesting stories about them.
I held a three-hour workshop with 21 fourth-graders of the "United Nations" elementary school in Belgrade, and had a fun time doing it. I'll never forget the exquisite event of being able to stimulate the childrens' imagination and work with them. On Youtube, a small video regarding the workshop can be viewed.

The workshop
http://video.search.yahoo.co.jp/search?ei=UTF-8&fr=yjapp_tab_wv&p=YASUNARI'S ART&oq=&aq=-1&haq=0

I made friends with Zoran Panic, the owner of a glass lamp shop I entered completely by accident, and formed with him the art group OAK, after I came back to Japan. This group is aiming to provide pleasant opportunities for collaboration and inspiration, through creating applied art together with Serbian and Japanese artists.


I have been quite active, with already having 2 independent exhibitions in Japan and one in Belgrade. You can view on Youtube how the exhibition I produced held in March 2016, in the city of Otsu (Shiga Prefecture) in Japan, looked.


7. The list of exhibitions held in Serbia
2015.11. Yasunari Ishida one-man exhibition, Landscape in my mind , gallery BOGIC
2016.5. Art Group OAK exhibition
2016.6. Memorial MBDj7 watercolor 25x25
And others

Serbian people who viewed my watercolours said that it almosts reminds them of Serbia. I was greeted with much interest.

I plan to come to Serbia again in 2017, in either autumn or winter. I think I'll stay for about a month. I plan to make paintings and glass lamps, and visit the elementary school again to host a workshop.
A big, new path has opened in my life since I came to Serbia. I honestly didn't know that much before coming, and now I can't spend a day without thinking about Serbia. My dream is to bind these two countries, Japan and Serbia, by art. Because of that, I'm also thinking of moving to Serbia and living there.

I thank you for the interview, and apologize for my late reply. I am also indebted to Mateja Matić (18), the translator in Široka Staza, for translating this from Japanese to English.




