アトリエ青 Atelier Blue



子供たちに乾杯! Cheers to children!

The last day of children's art class.去年の10月から約1年に渡って講師として関わらせて頂いた『びわ湖子供造形教室』"Biwa Lake Children's Art School", at which I have worked as a teacher for about 1 year since last year's October.一身上の都合…

国際アートグループOAK が発足しました!

セルビア滞在時に親しくなった工房の方からのお誘いが来ました。I am pleased to inform you that we have established an art group named ˝OAK˝ It is meant to function as a group of artists sharing similar artistic values jointly presenting their…